devorah major: California Poets Part 4, Four Poems

devorah major
December 29th, 2021
California Poets: Part IV
devorah major
Four Poems
usa fire alarm
the house is burning
we can smell its smoke
sparks singe the curtains
our eyes water as growing fires
sizzle at our front and back doors
on the top floors
some of the residents
are in a thick fog sleep
others are trapped
in the darkened basement
straight-backed and frightened
i sit in the living room
i am not alone
the house is burning
the arsonists say
they will rebuild the frame
with our bones
glue together ashes for the walls
they have no need to
replace the windows
i have a bucket of water at my feet
where should I throw it
as storms gather
wind tears through shuddering trees
a shifting sigh as leaves wither and fall
shrieking squalls spume fury across ocean crests
murmuring a moaning song with a piercing chill
icy fevers inhale the waves’ surge
swallow unmoored boats
warning of seasons to come
seasons only some will survive
Woe to the downpressors:
They'll eat the bread of sorrow! Bob Marley
you walked on our bones for centuries
turned them to sand
poured into sandboxes
for your children to build sandcastles
and when the sand became translucent
filled with the sunlight
burning your eyes
you found more to sacrifice
sent vultures to strip away our skins
and built ladders formed
from our ribs, limbs and skulls
on which you climbed
to get a better view of the lands
you planned to conquer
and now we rise
joined by
some of your children
and grandchildren
who have eaten of shame
and refuse to travel
on the rails you laid
with our bones
and each of you
who blocks our path
tries to press us back
will be blinded by our brilliance
blinded by our brilliance
a mother’s howl night sounds dirges of sirens and gun shots screeching tires and assaulting voices become bricks around your heart become an ever-tightening noose around your neck as the bridge of faith rocks and creaks beneath your feet hampered by age and poor construction what if it was you heart torn and bleeding by the call the knock at the door still hearing your son’s voice breaking into your restless dreams “mama, I love you” just as he exploded into death’s domain you who carries the grief of the mother who lost one and then another child you waking up cold sweat night after night when gunfire explodes blasts around your home you with the coroner and seeing your child cold but not yet stiff lying on a metal table your tears bathing his face because at that moment it wouldn’t matter if it was a cop obeying supremacist training or a neighbor consumed by confusion and rage all that matters is that flutter who quickened in your womb that baby who suckled your breast that child who climbed into your lap to pull your ears and give you sloppy kisses that youth who brought wild street flowers for love that young man who hugged you every day as if it was his last, “I love you mama” was dead and then consider if you would hear anything or only wail a howl that echoes mothers around the world who have felt that acid sear their hearts a mother’s howl a mother’s howl
Author Bio:
Born and raised in California, devorah major served as San Francisco’s Third Poet Laureate (2002-2006). In 2019 her sixth book of poetry with open arms was released in a bilingual edition in Italy. A Willow Press Editor’s Choice her seventh book of poetry Califia’s Daughter was published by Willow Press in July 2020. In June 2015 major premiered her poetry play Classic Black: Voices of 19th Century African-Americans in San Francisco at the San Francisco International Arts Festival. She is on two CDs as a part of Daughters of Yam. devorah major performs her work nationally and internationally with and without musicians. She has been a participant in international poetry festivals in Italy, Belgium, Bosnia, Jamaica, and Venezuela, and also performed her poetry across the United States and in France, the Bahamas and Germany.