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Jonathan Hayes: California Poets Part 8, Three Poems

Jonathan Hayes

January 8th, 2025

California Poets: Part VIII

Jonathan Hayes

Three Poems



An autumn more like summer


— leaves, determined to fall

An Autumn Storm and Our Thatched Roof


Reading Du Fu, immersed in his wanderings and hardships

within the worn book and faded paper from the library


The poem begins “Howling madly” as a storm carries away his thatched roof

while the local boys take advantage of his “weak old age” helping themselves

to his thatch and running off “into the bamboo grove”


Following these stanzas down the page, the poem disappears unfinished

with the next page torn out from the book: missing


I too, sigh along with Du Fu

Truth and Beauty


The children in Chinatown

standing on the sidewalk

and holding little hands.


Their eyes sparkle and faces radiate

while they giggle and sing,


“Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.”

Author Bio:

Jonathan Hayes has edited and published Over the Transom a Bay Area literary journal for the past twenty-seven years. He has taught poetry and published booklets for children in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco. His most recent publication is Ghetto Sunshine & Other Poems 1997-2023, Mel C. Thompson Publishing, California, 2024. He lives with his wife in Oakland, California.


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