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“Quarantine Diaries,” by David Garyan (Day 34)

(Photo by Reginaldo Azevedo)

Quarantine Diaries – Day 34 April 17th, 2020

Trento, Italy


There’ve been too many mornings in which my body has yearned for sleep; neither the sun could make me go out, nor could the rain keep me at home.

For years, I walked the streets with my eyes closed, trying to lose my sight without going blind.

I smiled at people and held eye contact until they believed it was a pleasure to meet them. So were my thoughts nothing but the feet of ballerinas— they could no longer dance, but the mind told them otherwise.

I ripped human beings out of myself and planted them in other people’s gardens— even the fruits they bore, I didn’t collect.

There were days where music itself couldn’t move me. My winters kept learning more words for cold. The lakes I had were all paralyzed, so I waited for nights that would ease my own body— not the thoughts below it.

Like philosophers forced to be what their books won’t allow, I wanted to act without consulting my mind— be the best choreographer who gives people freedom to dance like they want.


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