Robin H. Lysne: California Poets Part 8, Two Poems

January 8th, 2025
California Poets: Part VIII
Robin H. Lysne
Two Poems
Mountain Winter to Pacific Waves
Power is out in the mountains during storms.
Some sunlight comes through trees
Faucets don’t work,
Yet wet spots outside the house still
drip water. One thing after another
moves us into another reality. No water, no lights, no internet.
The day after power restarts, the Sun is shining,
I drive to the ocean the tides are calm
no big waves like the days before.
Seeing the lighthouse
Triangular stones stand out
around the end of the harbor
I hear the waves
but can’t see them except
a splashy tide that rises
above the harbor
no matter how the cement stands
birds fly around them as they have always done
clouds are high like vapor steam
I want my life to remain here in the mountains
near the ocean watching the Pacific
transform us one moment to another.
Ocean Cemetery
Seals bark under the Pier.
Thousands of seagulls and
pelicans, are flying all around to eat
through a shoal of anchovies.
On Seabright beach I walk past the place
where two dark images of me
and my former husband
are still there.
Years ago, discussing nothing
any more, we each gave up
the beginning of the end
of our relationship into Mother Ocean.
I send light to that beach spot today
letting go of that dark memory.
Watching pelicans fly, dive, splash,
then pluck a fish up into their beaks,
seals swim under pelican families
as they float on the Monterey Bay.
Halfway down the beach, I walk past
the place where my daughter’s ashes
spread in a rain storm a quarter century ago.
They blew over me and my husband.
High above as the sun set sparkles
A dragon cloud brushes over
a rainbow vest that flings around
the dragon cloud and sails over the sky.
At the end of the beach
A quarter of the rock wall has
washed away from when I moved
to Santa Cruz thirty years ago.
On this beach where my family ended,
touching the rock tower I turn around
to walk along waves full of joy as
one hundred or more birds and me
with beach combers love
this ocean cemetery.
Author Bio:
Robin Lysne, M.A., M.F.A., Ph.D. is the author of twelve books (two poetry books), an artist and energy medicine practitioner, medium and psychic. She offers clients energy medicine, psychic and mediumistic readings. She mentors others who are coming into their intuitive abilities no matter what their direction.
Her websites are:,, and
Her poems have been published in: North American Review, Catamaran, Porcupine Literary Arts Magazine,Monterey Bay Poetry Review, Rattle, Phren-z online Magazine, Porter Gulch Review, Samizdat, Awakening Consciousness Magazine, and others. On her days not writing, she paints, offers clients energy medicine, psychic readings, and mediumistic readings. She mentors others who are coming into their abilities no matter what their direction.